PP Møbler

A complex production requires a robust IT system

30 years with TRIMIT: PP Møbler continues to benefit from TRIMIT’s solution and enjoys a 30 % increase in revenue.

With a customer base stretching from Japan and the rest of Asia to America and Europe, PP Møbler is a global player in the furniture industry.

To manage the complexity of their production and sales processes, the Danish family business began collaborating with TRIMIT almost 30 years ago. But even strong systems need upgrades, and in 2020, the company updated their system to the newest Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central solution, making a big difference to the company.

With a customer base stretching from Japan and the rest of Asia to America and Europe, PP Møbler is a global player in the furniture industry. To manage the complexity of their production and sales processes, the Danish family business began collaborating with TRIMIT almost 30 years ago

"With the latest upgrade, our business operations have become fully digitized, which makes it run much more efficiently and securely, benefiting the entire company. I now have a completely different sense of security knowing that everything is running smoothly, and the approval processes that need to be in place are also running correctly and efficiently."

The sentiment comes from Kasper Pedersen, who has been CEO and owner of PP Møbler since 2020. The company produces world class design and premium quality furniture especially known for producing the iconic and durable furniture designed by Hans Wegner.

Reliable and valuable business partner

Last year, the Danish joinery and cabinet maker workshop celebrated its 70th anniversary. Being the third generation of PP Møbler, Kasper took over the company from his father when TRIMIT had already been the ERP-provider for more than two decades. Therefore, he has an in-depth understanding of how important TRIMIT is for their business operations:

“I have always experienced TRIMIT as a reliable and stable business partner. In recent years, we have experienced and enjoyed several consultant competencies at TRIMIT that have been truly essential for our development. This includes leveraging TRIMIT’s standard solutions, which are, of course, crucially important, but also a customization of the system to meet the very specific needs we have in our company, being a somewhat specialized industry,” Kasper explains.

It's important that there is specific industry knowledge, and there really is with TRIMIT. The consultants have provided incredibly professional support and assistance to our development. That has meant a lot for our growth the past year and the strengthening of our overall business; since we updated the system to the newest Business Central solution, our revenue has increased by 30 %.



A complex production requires a robust IT system

Built on original traditions, the production is complex and characterized by a proud craftsmanship and attention to detail. Each item is handmade and is processed by several workshops during the production:
“We have a very wide product range that encompasses a lot of different processes, where the items pass through the hands of multiple professional groups and expertises. Our production is rather complex and hard to manage, and therefore we are completely dependent on having a very robust system to control our production. We have that with TRIMIT,” Kasper Pedersen explains.

PP Møbler employs around 60 people with most of them working in production. Working with wood, naturally the company has both a machine carpentry and handcrafted carpentry, but they also have a weaving workshop, an upholstery workshop, and a metalworking department. In every department, TRIMIT allows for the production to run smoothly:

It’s a system where the computer thinks, calculates, and does a significant amount of the work for us, and where we as humans interacting with the system are assisted to the greatest extent possible.

He continues:

“Our employees in production are very pleased with TRIMIT, and they use it quite a lot in their daily tasks. When they need to know what to produce, they simply look it up on the computer, and they can access exactly the information they need.”

IT system fit for the future

Overall, Kasper Pedersen and the rest of the management is very satisfied with TRIMIT as their IT solution:

"TRIMIT undoubtedly makes a difference for us simply by being an integrated solution, encompassing everything from sales orders, accounting, production management, and inventory, among others. It makes it quite efficient for us to have an overview of our entire business. This is crucial, especially when we operate such a complex production company as the one we run,” Kasper stresses.

He continues:

“It's an agile system that, from a development perspective, offers some really good opportunities. In general, our customers are also experiencing improved service after we updated our solution. For instance, what might seem simple and not a big deal, but is very important to us, is the email integration, where our order management is integrated with email. That allows us to send order confirmations directly from our order system via email, but also follow-up emails on orders if necessary.”

With TRIMIT being an essential part of the business operations in PP Møbler for three decades, the foundation for an ongoing partnership is laid:

We have been working with this system for so many years, and we are very familiar with it, so there is no doubt that it is the system we will continue to use in the future,


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