
TRIMIT handles Large Projects and Provides Better Overview at Zystm

In 2017, Zystm decided to replace their C5 solution with a modern ERP system for furniture manufacturers. They chose TRIMIT Furniture, partly because TRIMIT's project module allowed Zystm to handle large project deliveries. Additionally, Zystm saw themselves in a long-term collaboration with TRIMIT

Zystm is a furniture company producing interior solutions and furnishings for hospitals, laboratories, and educational institutions. Throughout 2017, they began searching for a new ERP system to replace C5, which was being phased out and had reached its limit in terms of what Zystm needed.

"We almost started from a blank slate when we went out to see what was on the market," says Michael Kudsk, Zystm's CEO. "The focus areas were that we needed a flexible system that could be tailored to our needs, ideally within the framework of what the system offered, so we wouldn't have to do a lot of custom programming."

TRIMIT Furniture met this requirement as it is largely a standard solution for the furniture industry. It was also essential to introduce flexibility when defining products in the system.

"Others can solve everything related to model bills of materials, product configuration, and variant bills of materials," says Michal Kudsk. "What we felt with TRIMIT was that it's a system that has been thoroughly tested in those areas. It's much more integrated with NAV than anything else we saw."

"We felt that with the TRIMIT overlay, we got a very proven solution. The TRIMIT solution has an update concept that ensures it's possible to follow Microsoft's updates of NAV."

Zystm covers Scandinavia and England with sales of furnishings for hospitals and laboratories.

Zystm is a furniture company producing interior solutions and furnishings for hospitals, laboratories, and educational institutions.

A Long-Term Collaboration

Another important factor in choosing an ERP system was the IT partner. Zystm had important requirements for the consultancy firm that would help them roll out the ERP solution.

"We particularly focused on the collaborative partner," says Michael Kudsk. "The company we entered into an agreement with had to be a company we could see ourselves with for many years to come, and they had to have the capacity and expertise to help us. It ended up being TRIMIT. That's where we are today, and we're very happy with it."

Project Module Makes Large Projects Manageable

When Zystm bids on a tender, such as for a hospital or another large construction project, it's done in TRIMIT's project module. These are typically complex orders to be delivered over several weeks and months to multiple buildings, floors, etc.

"What we can do now is enter the entire bid into one project that we create," says Lasse Fuhr, Zystm's production manager.

"When we win a project, we break down the task into orders, which can be broken down to the room level," he continues. "We can pull some of the items and copy them directly into an order. They get a different color, so we can check that everything is included and there's nothing duplicated. It has helped us a lot."

Another advantage is that overarching parameters make order processing much faster. Lasse Fuhr gives an example that a hospital may have specific requirements for cabinets and furnishings, such as front colors, handles, aluminum edges, etc.

"Then we can go up to the project level, so all the choices in the project are predefined," he says. "When we used to enter an order, we had to make decisions about each individual cabinet with color, edge, and handle every time. It's defined once and for all. As a result, our data entry work has become much faster and also quality-assured."

Configurator Reduces Manual Work

Michael Kudsk is also pleased with the configurator function in TRIMIT, which automates a wide range of choices, both in terms of bidding and production lists.

"You are presented with these choices, so you largely avoid errors," says Michael Kudsk about entering orders. "When the order is confirmed, it goes into the production system, where it automatically generates production bills of materials and production cut sheets - everything you need in production, so we avoid manual work."

At the same time, the system also generates prices, making the sales process more accurate.

"And we save time with manual calculation," says Michael Kudsk. "Previously, we had some rules and spreadsheets where we calculated manually. We have seen a reduction of 70-80%. That's really good."

Much Better Overview on the Accounting Side

On the financial side, there is also satisfaction with the new system. Here, finance manager Benny Ibsen has set up the processes, and he thinks it works really well.

"We have become much more paper-saving," says Benny Ibsen. "We no longer have invoices that are not electronically stored. Before, we had an average of 6,000 printed vouchers per year. It's electronic now, so it saves space and resources, and it's much easier to find vouchers."

Everyday tasks have been made easier by support programs like Document Capture and Payment Management.

"With Document Capture, you can search in every direction," says Benny Ibsen. "It works really well and has resulted in major resource and approval savings. One thing Document Capture is really good at is if you receive an invoice twice. It can immediately see that you have already registered the invoice, so there's no risk of booking an invoice twice. And not only that, you also save resources on reviewing or approving it twice."

"Payment Management also works really well," Benny Ibsen continues. "On average, it takes no more than 5-10 minutes to run transaction vouchers, so they are both paid and posted in the system. So it has become much more efficient."

TRIMIT Ensures a good Implementation

Although implementing an ERP system is always a larger process, it has gone well at Zystm. Here, they highlight that the project succeeded primarily because of TRIMIT's project management.

"The integration and the process of implementing it have gone really well," says Michael Kudsk. "There has been a good plan with a good structure, and it has more or less run 100% according to that plan."

"We rolled it out over six months from start to finish. It has been reasonably concentrated, and it has been done alongside normal operations. And on the financial side, there was also a reasonable adherence to the budgets that were set from the start. We stayed within what was agreed."

Satisfaction with the process is shared by Lasse Fuhr in production.

"We've had a fantastic project manager all the way through," says Lasse Fuhr. "Of course, there have been some bumps along the road, but considering that we transitioned from a completely different system and went live with a new one, I would say it's been remarkably smooth. And on the production side, there has been so much testing that not many cabinets have been produced incorrectly due to the new system. So, we've had a fantastic collaboration."

Trust in TRIMIT

And with that, we return to trust, which is so central in a good collaboration. Especially trust in the consultants who help ensure that the processes run smoothly in daily work.

"It's just incredibly important that it's the right people and that they can execute," says Michael Kudsk. "And we feel TRIMIT can do that. We especially feel that we had the right key person. She may not necessarily have all the answers, but then she goes back to TRIMIT and ensures that we get a response at a proper speed and with proper quality. That's invaluable. So, there's a lot of praise from us on that front."

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